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Coupon Savings

August 15th, 2006 at 02:55 pm

My best savings happen when I can combine a great coupon with the perfect sale,for instance this week at Shaw's Wish-bone dressing was 3/$5.

I bought 5 16oz bottles and 1 spritzer.

6 bottles=$10
6-.60/1 coupons-doubled=$7.20
$2.80-$3.99 rebate for spritzer= +$1.19
$1.19 + I recieved a save $4 on yor next order catalina=$5.19

So in the end I will make $5.19 on this deal.

I just love it.!!!!!! Thanks Flash

Coupon Savings

July 31st, 2006 at 07:06 pm

I just had to write this one down.

CVS trip:

3-Bottles of Covergirl Makeup $4.59 ea
1-Bottle of Covergirl Nail Polish #2.99
2- Packages Rolaids Plus $1.49 ea
2-packages Orbits gum .99 cents ea

$21.72 Total I payed .43 cents

I'm so proud,now if I could only do that in the market !!!!!!!!

A Flash Welcome.

June 7th, 2006 at 06:16 pm

I was sitting here waiting for the mailman, poor guy it's raining cats and dogs here.

I did the usual window checks, it's amazing how interested I've become in the mail since I started couponing.

Around my 12:00 check I spy him,not looking to happy.I head down the stairs. spare him having to fight with the boxes.I see a priority envelope. It's for me,yippppeeeeee. Well the thing is soaking wet and so much that on end is open,back up the stairs. Yep it's from Flash,it's gonna be good.

Good does not begin to describe the stack of coupons that spill out of the envelope. I'm thinking boy if this is a welcome package what will it be like to be on one of her trains. Oh no,panic. I start to think I'm way outta my league, a jelly glass collector among Tiffany admirers. The package contained so much,things I've never seen.WOW is all I can think.

I started couponing to make a fixed income go a little further and have gained so much more. I now know that there still are people in the world wlling to help one another. I just hope I can give bac as much as I recieved today.

Thank you Flash !!!!!!

Coupon Call

June 7th, 2006 at 02:43 pm

The mailman left lots of good things yesterday.

Honeysuckle White coupons. If you've never tried one of their turkeys,give them a try. I always find it to be the juicest turkey I make.

Dole sent me some salad coupons. I eat lots of salad when I'm sticking to my diet,which unfortunately lately isn't so often.Frown

Mt.Olive sent me some pickle coupons along with a magnet and scratch-n-sniff stickers(LOL). I'm diabetic and love their sweet pickle relish made wit Splenda. Lately I've been cuting back on the amount of artificial sweetner I use,just in case.

Free Coke coupons from their Olympics Game promotion.

I signed up at ad they sent me a booklet of coupons.They sell chicken tenders,breast strips,popcorn chicken and burgers.

Apple & Eve makers of juices sent some coupons. I love their cranberry juice.

So yesterday was a good day. It really does pay to email your favorite products and tell them you like or dislike something.


May 24th, 2006 at 07:48 pm

Today I recieved a coupon for "Free Drano" up to $6.50. I had e-mailed S.C. Johnson on the success I had with their product and they sent this as thanks.

Actually if you email them about any of their products they will likely send you a coupon for a free one.

I all so recieved (3) .55/1 from Northland Juice, I love their cranberry
juice and emailed them to tell them.

I have had very good luck with emailing the companies who's prodcts I use, not all but most will send you something for taken the time to let them know you enjoy ther products.

Coupon Train Amendment

May 24th, 2006 at 02:15 pm

I made the mistake of being to general in my comments on Coupon Trains. the trains I talked about in my first entry
did not come from "flash's coupon trains" but from other sources.

I actually started this venture into what I call "Extreme Couponing" after reading flash's archives.

I never thought anyone would bother reading my entries (duh).I wasn't thinking. Sorry.



May 23rd, 2006 at 09:28 pm

May 23,2006

I recieved my first 2 coupon trains this week and like a child at Christmas eagerly opened them. Expecting to find every coupon I ever needed I flicked through the bundles like I was bank teller.

The end of the bundles came to soon and with some disappointment,just like when I didn't get my puppy on my 7th birthday.

I guess my exectations were high and i think it will probably cost me more than I took out it coupons. I did like the cyber-space meeting of others from different areas of the country.

Well I'm still new to this whole intense level of couponing. I think I'll stick with it alittle longer.